Walking seems to be such a simple, everyday thing whereby most of us don’t really appreciate its power to heal so many of our little health issues – physical or emotional. Yes, walking can do wonders for you, inside and out! It gets you up and going for one, instead of being sedentary. Read and find out how walking can improve your health and wellbeing, in so many ways!


Makes You Happy
Have you ever felt sick when you’re happy? Surely not! And that’s what changes when you walk – you’ll literally be walking away the blues. When you’re feeling out of sorts, just take a brisk walk, anywhere! Walking, a relatively low impact form of exercise, has been proven through studies to help improve emotional health and bring new hope and optimism. It raises the heart rate and improves blood flow immediately. Note: If you’re planning to partake in long walks, invest in a good pair of walking shoes to prevent unwanted strain on your feet.

Drug-Free Painkiller
Countless people around the world live with some form of pain, whereby if you’re one of those people battling daily pain the last thing you probably want to do is get up and go for a walk. But a study published in the Annals of Rehabilitative Medicine found that a regular walking routine diminished chronic lower back pain in the study participants. Although walking may not be able to cure chronic pain, but it can help you deal with it better, and surely that’s worth a try?

Keeps Metabolic Syndrome At Bay
Metabolic syndrome is linked to increased blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, as well as fat around your waist. It’s one of the worst side effects of our sedentary lifestyle. It’s also a gateway to diabetes, heart disease, and even early death. But do you realise that walking has always been an effective way to keep this modern-day disease at bay? Research has found that thelikelihood of developing metabolic syndrome decreased by almost 30 percent simply by walking over an hour a day. So, if your job requires that you sit around for long hours, you know what you must do! Get up every now and then, and walk around!

Simply Better Sleep!
Getting enough sleep isn’t something easy to do in this modern, fast-paced world. However, it’s one of the most important things to see to if you want to keep in the best of health! It’s no wonder that millions of people around the world turn to remedies, and even medication to help them get some sleep. It’s that important! Now, here’s the thing – Did you know that a brisk walk may be all you need to get some really good sleep? According to the Sleep Foundation, researchers have found that people who exercised regularly, including walking, fell asleep more quickly, slept longer, and had better quality sleep than those who did vigorous exercise or lifted weights. So, if a good night’s sleep is what you’re after, walk, walk, walk!

Stress Buster
Feeling stressed is something common, yet serious! The higher your stress levels are, the worse off you’ll be, health-wise! Most of us live in levels of stress every day and that takes a serious toll on our mental and physical health. But science says walking is one of the fastest, most effective ways to calm down. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a simple 10-minute walk may be as effective as a 45-minute workout in terms of reducing anxiety and depression. Moving clears cortisol, the “stress hormone”, out of your system and also helps stop the never-ending stream of worries going through your mind.

Gets Your Creative Juices Flowing
Have you ever felt mentally blocked for ideas? It’s not a great feeling, is it? Instead of trying to force ideas out of your head, try taking a walk around the block. Walking is a really effective way to get your creative juices flowing. Stumped for an idea? Take a quick stroll around the block. You’ll find yourself thinking more clearly, and performing mental tasks more efficiently! Whether you need a solution to a problem, or just looking for an inspiration – walking will get those creative juices flowing! Studies have found that walking can boost creative output by 60 percent! So, can’t think straigth? Just take a long walk and see what happens!

Saves You Money On Expensive Healthcare!
Getting fit can be costly these days, isn’t it? Sports attire, gym memberships, home exercise equipment – all these can easily burn holes in your pocket! Walking, on the other hand, requires absolutely nothing, except maybe a pair of good shoes, and provides great health benefits. Walking as a form of daily exercise not only saves you money on things, it also saves you money in healthcare. According to a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association, those who exercised regularly saved mega dollars when it came to healthcare costs compared to those who didn’t meet the minimum weekly exercise requirements (30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity aerobic activity five days a week, or at least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity three days a week). Now, isn’t that reason enough to lace up those shoes and start walking?