There is nothing healthier than eating steamed dishes, lovingly prepared at home. Not only is it nutritious and free from the artery-clogging horrors of deep-fried food, steamed food is also very delicious. The nutrition is locked in as it is not heated to extremely high temperatures and the delicate flavours of the dish are also perfectly preserved in every tasty morsel. As such, it only makes sense for every kitchen countertop to have Cornell SteamPro Rice Cooker as its main appliance.

This lovely appliance is much more than a rice cooker. Besides cooking all types of rice, you can also stir-fry, steam other food, make steamboat as well as prepare desserts with it.

1. Enjoy Complete Steamed Delicacies In One Go

Here are some ideas of what you can conveniently whip out with Cornell SteamPro Rice Cooker in one go for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in-between:

Steamed Chicken Rice


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Kesampaian… . . Lunch bareng suami dg menu favorit berdua. Dan ini di rumah ???. . . Jadi suamik itu seneng banget makan shabu dan yakiniku. Terakhir kali kami makan tenang berdua makan shabu shabu/steamboat itu sebelum saya hamil athar?. Setelah itu tiap makan shabu/yakiniku musti gantian jaga anak2 dan makannya cepet2. Jd kurang menikmati…? . . Tetiba kmrn ingat punya portable kompor listrik kado waktu nikah belum dibuka. Dan ternyata bs buat manasin air atau manggang daging ?. Cuss suamik semangat banget ngajakin beli bahan2nya: sayuran, frozen food, tahu, jamur, dkk. Saya kebagian berburu daging halal. Dan nemu daging yakiniku halal dan bs di gojekin. Kita eksekusi siang tadi. Alhamdulillah jadinya buanyak bangeeeet… Jaaauuuuuh lbh hemat bikin sendiri. Sausnya pun kita racik sendiri modal buku resep dan cookpad. Eh ada yg udah beli jadi ding, saus kewpie (salad dressing) yg sdh campur sama kecap ala jepang dan berlabel halal (ada di supermarket besar/olshop) Kaldu juga bikin sendiri dan kata suamik beneran mirip di resto, cuma bedanya nasinya aja, krn td makan pake nasi kemarin ?????. Puas banget manggang daging dan makanin shabu nya. Anak2 jg hepi krn dipikir ini masak2an tp bs dimakan ?????. . . Alhamdulillah…bahan dan resep insya Allah habis ini di share ya.. ??. . . Salam dari mamak doyan makan. ? #shabu #yakiniku #steamboat

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Steamed Desserts

The possibilities are endless. Satay celup, tomyam gung, steamed pao, steamed cakes, tong sui and much more await!

Here’s a recipe for Lamb Briyani Rice that will tantalise your taste buds!


  • Spoon of Butter
  • Bowl of Rose Essence
  • Some Cloves
  • Some Cardamom
  • Some Star Anise
  • A Bowl of Saffron Powder
  • Some Sticks of Cinnamon
  • A Bowl of Rice
  • Some Water
  • Some Mutton
  • Some Spring Onion


  1. Melt the spoon of butter into the heated inner pot
  2. Add the rose essence and spices and stir for a few minutes
  3. Add the bowl of rice and cover with water
  4. Add the button into the rice and stir
  5. Cover and leave to cook
  6. Serve while it’s warm

2. Great For Singletons & Families

Cornell SteamPro Rice Cooker

The ingenious stackable design of SteamPro makes it super easy to cook for just one person who doesn’t fancy keeping leftovers, as well as catering to a dinner for a family of four or more.

You can start from 2.2L with the basic inner pot and go right up to 12L when it’s fully stacked up. That’s enough to feed an army!

Now you no longer have to clutter up your kitchen countertop to accommodate extra guests.

Cornell SteamPro

3. Made From High-quality Stainless Steel Material

Cornell SteamPro is made of SUS304 stainless steel, a Japanese stainless steel grade commonly used for commercial cookware. Containing chromium and nickel as its main non-iron constituents, it has a higher corrosion resistance than regular steel. This means no corrosion or leaching of chemicals during cooking or when stored over time.

Watch this video to give you an idea of how SUS304 compares other stainless steel material. Notice how SUS304 doesn’t react to the industry standard reagent compared to the other lower-grade stainless steel basin.

So there you have it, three solid reasons why you should go out there to get your hands on Cornell SteamPro Rice Cooker. It’s a great and convenient way to eat nutritious food, keep your weight in check and enjoy the flavours of life all at the same time.

For more information and to purchase it online, go here.