MOZ AWAY Mosquito Spray 75ml

Product Details

Moz Away Long Hour Protection with a refreshing kiwi fruit fragrance provides up to 9 hours protection that is safe and effective for your loved ones especially babies.
How It Works
Moz Away Long Hour Protection contains Picaridin 19.2% clinically proven for an effective, long lasting insect repellent, protecting against mosquitoes and other biting insects up to 9 hours. This repellent is non-irritating with a pleasant kiwi fruit fragrance.Directions
Spray onto exposed skin. For application on face, spray onto hands and apply to areas required. For babies below 2 months old, it is recommended to spray on clothing.

  1. Carrie Zoey
    141 reviews

    Strong scent

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 9, 2016

    Moz Away Long Hour Protection seems to be quite popular among people. When there was first breaking news on Zika case in Malaysia, this particular mosquito spray was sold out in most of the supermarket or pharmacy. So, I had to resort to buying a few of these from online stores.

    This spray has a very strong repellant smell that can linger for very long hours. Sometimes if I spray too much, the lingering smell can be quite disturbing to me. I’m hoping it’s also as disturbing for the mosquito and hopefully it will drive them away.

    I will spray onto exposed skin – arms and legs. Sometimes I will spray on clothing and since the smell so strong, I would prefer not to spray on kids. For kids, I bought other repellent that is kids-friendly.

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