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Recent review: 家里的长辈们只要看到这牌子,就莫名其妙的叫它是win, 我怎么看着牌子都写着zip, 但偏偏就被家里的长辈们叫做win, 我想啊,可能这产品的包装让他们想起了以前的一个产品,长辈们都说啊:年轻人懂什么,这就是win, 可别看小他包装老土,但功效可多着呢,不然家里的厨房/厕所/地上是怎么干净去的?变魔术啊?哈哈
Juliet YungRecent review: I LOVE it! my cat's litter box is always so stinky, no matter how often you clean it. This spray really does get rid of the yucky smell that comes along with being a pet owner.
bebemama80Recent review: saya pernah menggunakan bowl cleaner ni untuk mebersihkan mangkuk tandas. bunye wangi dan tidak terlalu kuat dan tidak berbau seperti ubat lipas. ini yang saya sangat suka. selain itu ianya juga sangat memudahkan hanya perlu letak dalam tangki air mangkuk…
mizarifin91Recent review: 的确好用,清洗的很干净,一瓶可以用很久!!!这个味道也挺清新的,沿着马桶壁挤上一圈,大概等几分钟,一会儿再冲水就可以很干净。当然啦,一般都可以冲干净,特别特别顽固的污渍还是需要刷一下的。
tomorrow_estherRecent review: I used this for many years. It can remove the stain in the toilet very well, the smell not sting your nose. I like he lemon fragrance, does not cause me sensitive nose while i cleaning my washroom.
swallowcloud36Recent review: 还挺干净的 了味道也蛮香 就是有点小贵 我买的时候1litter RM15 然后就是有点难在商场找到
Soong Yan LingRecent review: i suggest you all..used this product because it effectively remove tough stains and dirt.
hafizul75Recent review: i love the smell! I had just had my ducts cleaned to the furnace so that made a big difference and my house smells nice. Do to my health and my dog, I want to keep it a clean, healthy…
connienee30Recent review: I really love this product because it doesn\'t smell like a bleach at all. It smells really nice and has a sweet flowery fragrant. It cleans really well too! This product helps to clean and disinfect most of the surfaces…
ecah40Recent review: Memang dapat tanggalkan awgala kekotoran yang degil di tandas. Dapat menghapuskan segala kekotoran dengan mudah. Tak perlu nak sental kuat-kuat lagi. Botol juga mudah dipegang dan dituang bila ingin digunakan. Memang terbaik.