Meliliea Lea Mind Honey Ginger Drink
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Description: Descriptions Made from natural honey and fructose. Relieves bloating and indigestion problem. Anti-inflammation effect of ginger. Carminative relieves and prevents cold.
Nueliv Sheep Placenta
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Description: The Benefits of taking nueliv sheep placenta Regenerates cells, tissues, and organs Increases flexibility in joints and discs Improves immune dfence against diseases Improves alertness and mental awareness Lightens facial pigmentation Refines facial pores and restores a glow to your…
Fine Japan Garlic Tablets
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Description: Garlic is natural antibiotics; it has an antibacterial action, vasodilator action and an inhibiting action for blood clot. Allicin, a active ingredient in Garlic. The absorption of intestine get better and kept long in inner body when Allicin taken with…
JOINTWELL 5 Gains Oaterenergy
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Description: Product Information 5 Grains Oaterenergy combines all the goodness of various grains with oat that energizes you all day long and keeps you healthy always. It is a beverage with low GI (glycemic index) and free of cholesterol and lactose.…
Vitalia Stevia
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Description: Description Vitalia Sweet Stevia is a 100% natural and healthy sweetener coming from the plant Stevia Rebaudiana, known as “sweet leaf” used by American Indians over hundreds of years ago because of its excellent features. Vitalia Sweet Stevia is the…
C1Q2 Klamath
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Description: 在快节奏的现代社会中,老百姓尤其是上班族普遍处于亚健康的生活状态,他们的生活作息不规律、一日三餐不定时,又有不良饮食习惯,如营养不均衡造成的营养不良或营养过剩,以及高脂肪、高热量、低纤维、高盐饮食等等,给健康造成潜在危害。「Klamath 克拉玛斯」专门针对现代都市人群身体所需营养成分,有效提高人们的免疫力,帮助大家走出亚健康状态。 Klamath 克拉玛斯的主要成分是束丝藻(AFA),以及叶绿素、异麦芽糖醇、薄荷及甜菊代糖等成分。严选经过认证的有机美国束丝藻,富含多种营养素,拥有的蛋白质含量是肉类、鱼类和家禽的3倍!束丝藻(AFA)也被称为克拉玛斯(Klamath),来自北美克拉马斯湖地区。研究人员发现AFA含有我们身体所需的大量矿物质和营养,相当于超级食物。 每天服用一包 Klamath 克拉玛斯,为您的身体提供修复和再生身体功能细胞所需的全方位营养,有助于改善免疫能力,提升身体能量,清洁体内深层器官毒素,它将使您的器官恢复正常功能,并维持健康而年轻化的生活!Klamath 克拉玛斯也是节食者、素食者、运动员、儿童、病患或年长者的最佳均衡营养来源。
Natural Health Farm DIGESTION
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Description: Helps to digest quickly and completely. Effective to avoid vomiting. Strengthen our main digestive organ-stomach. Lower blood pressure and blood fat. Clear away gallstone. Reduce Obesity.
MLmax High Fiber
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Description: Help in weight loss Help in detoxification Avoid constipation Nutrient Enhancement
Meliliea Lea Mind Barley Drink
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Description: Descriptions Made from natural honey and fructose. Releases body heat, promotes diuretic function.
Show-u Easy 123 Detox
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Description: Detoxification, recovery, antioxidant vitality Through the United States, Japan, the use of high-quality ingredients clinically proven through five elements (high fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes, antioxidants) detoxification, recovery and antioxidant vitality, your health to a whole new level! Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are naturally…