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Recent review: happy that I get start using this as finished using a skincare product. This is cream type and easy to use, it did not make my skin feel sticky after applied. The product smell nice too, I also like the…
sherryever71Recent review: I usually had break out when I'm on my period, squeezing is bad as it leaving scar and redness so these acne patch helps so much it really flattens out/shrinks the spot just by patching one overnight.
Ally14Recent review: Setelah hampir setahun menggunakan produk ini, kulit semakin lembut dan pinkish. Saya gunakan setiap kali sebelum tidur. Bangun dari tidur je kulit terase lembut dah glowing je.
Intan JamaludinRecent review: Eventhough the price is a bit pricey but it’s worth it! it really works well as it is clinically proven. You can put all your trust on it in reducing your scars. It is not like the usual gel because…
Shiba9805Recent review: This is said to be great for stretch mark and scar. I bought this for stretch mark. The scent is a bit strong (nice, citrusy scent that you'll love) which makes me a bit concerned about its causing any adverse…
kaorihoshikoshi86Recent review: Start try it because my sister recommended it. For the fiirst time, im a bit skeptical of it. But because she already try and it ok on her face, so why not I try it too. I have a sensitive…
iliezainal48Recent review: 我有非常敏感和油性的皮肤,我觉得这个太rich 了好像不是那么的适合我的,擦了后我的皮肤很油那样的,这个上比较适合干性的朋友的
Niki TayRecent review: Jerawat baru nak naik pada muka terus apply pimple cream aiken,, esoknya jerawat kecut.. So no more pimples on my face.. Aiken lover..Sesuai untuk kulit berjerawat... Mudah dibawa kemana-mana sahaja.. Tekstur yang sangat ringan dan best.. Bau yang menyegarkan dan…
Azura03Recent review: I've always loved Himalaya herbal products but this is the first facial-cream I've tried. Its very, very nice, rich cream! I love it. It has Glycrine in there, which I usually don't care for, but it keeps it from being…
ilasabran67Recent review: It made my skin very bright and removed a small dark spot that I had for long.
Nicole Jasmin