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Recent review: Great moisturizer for oily & acne prone skin it can helps to reduce pimples and will not feel too oily if compared with horse oli
Niki TayRecent review: Ginvera products are generally very affordable to me. So when I was annoyed with my blackheads on my nose and needed a quick fix, I tried this White Marvel Gel. What I can say is that Ginvera really removes blackheads…
Rebecca KoayRecent review: I like it so much. I apply it after moisturizer and before i go out as my sunscreen. It helps in giving my skin fairer day to day and importantly it is not oily or unpleasant. I love it as…
Vero9828Recent review: My son has major issues with angry sore diaper bottom. When extra strength desitin won't even cut it, this goes on. It is very thick and a little dry going on but this stuff really is the answer for getting…
irenechan597430Recent review: I got an in-store makeover and she used this on me. I loved it at the time, and bought it on the spot. I like that it has SPF in it. It feels a lot like any other silicone primer…
Nor OthmanRecent review: Saya suka pakai suvana paw paw honey ni.. Saiz kecik je...sayang pulak nak pakai.hehe.. Saya cuma pakaikan pada bahagian bibir je sebab saya ni memang mengalami bibir kering. Jadi dengan pakai suvana ni bibir saya sihat kembali. Baru beberapa hari…
Nur ArinaRecent review: A unique herbal extracts with deep hydration ,lighten skin and brighten skin tone.I have dull and uneven skin tone after deliver my second baby. I use the Himalaya whitening cream together with Himalaya skin supplement .I apply the cream on…
Qihan20Recent review: Setiap kali hamil, kulit wajah saya akan kelihatan sangat kusam dan kering. Ia membuatkan saya rasa malu untuk keluar rumah. Ibu saya memperkenalkan produk ini kepada saya, setelah mencubanya wajah saya kelihatan lebih cerah dan berseri. Tambahan pula, dengan kandungan…
Alisha AmandaRecent review: Saya pernah mnggunakan set lengkap Tati skincare.TATI treatment cream ni berwarna kuning lembut dan brbau wangi.Tekstur krim pun mudah diguna dan diratakan pada wajah.Utk kesannya mmg sgt pantas,nmpak dgn ketara perubahan tona kulit sy.Kesan parut jerawat juga pudar dgn cepat.Harga…
ferdizetty37Recent review: I mainly use it on my hair and occasionally my face since it's so light and doesn't make my pores feel clogged. I have very dry hair and though it tames my hair a little, I wouldn't recommend it to…
Nor Othman