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Recent review: I bought this product after reading the reviews and I was not disappointed. Once you get used to squeezing the right amount on to the "ball" it is so easy to apply. I have noticed a difference to the skin…
Nor OthmanRecent review: I purchased this product just over a week ago now and have really seen the benefits already. The packaging and application tip on the tube is cool and refreshing, and the product leaves my tiny lines around my eyes invisible.…
Nor OthmanRecent review: 改良后比较舒服,价钱还可以接受。
Miko TanRecent review: The salt solution can also be used as a saline solution for the eyes as a daily eye drop. It can be applied with a Qtip to the inner ear as a preventive care for the ear. You can even…
Sithambaran KamacheeRecent review: Of all the other brands of contact lenses l've used, this one is the only brand that allows me wear them for a longger period of time. Yes, althought it is advised not to wear your contact lense for more…
mei050869Recent review: Definitely smells like ginseng. It is creamy and not oily. Definitely is very moisturizing and helps keep the puffiness away. My fine lines also seemed reduced after using it for a couple of nights. I love that it smells like…
Chen2nat08Recent review: still dunno if this product does really improve our eyesight or not haiz @@zz of cuz i really hope so
Suzanne FongRecent review: This is the only contact solution I can use without my eyes burning as I have extremely sensitive eyes. This cleans and disinfects just how it's supposed to while leaving my eyes feeling moist and refreshed .
May Mei12345Recent review: 面膜纸薄透可是抓了很多精华液, 而且设有切割线在面膜的边角方便撕开以达到更容易贴近皮肤. 敷后感觉冰冰的有些微镇静的效果. 而且精华液容易吸收.