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Recent review: Bau orange yang wangi dan tahan lama walaupun badan berpeluh. Sabun berbuih best dan tak melekit selepas dicuci. Lepas mandi tu rasa segar dan selesa. Satu keluarga saya gunakannya. Tiap bulan mesti restock Shokubutsu 🧡
Yaniemira51Recent review: Its fragrance is nice and refreshing. But i don’t like it as it doesn’t have much bubbles. I prefer those rich bubbles shower gel.
Kellychan21Recent review: I have used Elancyl Toning Shower Gel for and on. I personally find it a refreshing way to stimulate and tone your skin if it begins to slack or lump up. When I am coming out of winter coma.....I…
Sithambaran KamacheeRecent review: Kenapa saya suka sangat guna produk klorane ni. Sebabnya bau sangat wangi. Saya suka. Lagipun kulit sentiasa lembab dan tubuh lebih segar lepas menggunakan klorane shower gel ini
Nur ArinaRecent review: 我是敏感肌肤 所以选沐浴露的时候很小心 这个用了会有一点点地干 需要搽lotion来搭配 因为有消毒的效果 对皮肤生鲜很有帮助 而且可以洗脸的 懒惰的时候就会直接顺便洗脸 ? 很大的一瓶 可以用3个月↑而且成分都很天然 这个品牌是我喜欢的 ?
Elisha LawRecent review: The best part of this shampoo is affordable with price. The smells so good. Yummy! And nice. Go get it.
Aisyah ahmadRecent review: Sabun wangi sangat sangat, lepas pakai tu memang wangi keluar dari bilik mandi. cuma agak sensitif dengan kulit jadi saya pakai sekejap saja.
sayasihadiahh84Recent review: I love to use it, and I would recommend it to anyone. It smells so good and makes my skin feel so fresh. This is amazing! It smells so good, I love the fragrance. This beautiful and radiant body wash…
Ina05Recent review: I usually love the tropical, fruity scents for shower gel. This one is so nice, not over powering, and has a nice creamy lather. I'm sad this is limited edition, because when I'm done with it, I'll probably want another!
Nor OthmanRecent review: Its fragrance is nice and refreshing. But i don’t like it as it doesn’t have much bubbles. I prefer those rich bubbles shower gel.