Yuya Tuna in Spicy Coconut Gravy
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Description: Ingredients IkanTuna, Kentang, Cili, Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Kunyit, Garam, Gula, Santan Kelapa, Minyak Soya
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Recent review: I like to eat this sauce. It is so delicious. I used to cook it when preparing for my food. I always support this brand because it is very fragrance and taste nice. And most importantly, it is come from…
Choon YapRecent review: i would like to share how i cook fried rice with yuya salted fish Heat oil in a wok until hot, fry salted fish until crispy and golden. Dish out and set aside. Heat remaining oil and add in sesame…
Sheng KeeRecent review: Sangat mudah untuk disediakn.. Enak.. Dan cepat.. Sesuai untuk org bujang.. Sentiasa menjadi sarapan saya
Amirdanial67Recent review: 这个糙米味增汤的味道还是算是中规中矩,不会太咸,也不会太淡,大家可以买来尝尝看看
alextan02Recent review: This is the best choice of mine no matter I’m having rice or porridge or bread for my meal because the taste is just enough for all these different meal. It could be better when you add on onion during…
Amanda TanRecent review: I tried this once because my preferred brand was out of stock. I don't like the taste. The sardines fish and the source are not taste as other brand. Not my choice and not in my shopping list for sardines…
Yvone79Recent review: Minum susu Wildan Mama Premium ni kenyang tau lagi-lagi time tak nak makan something yg heavy. Susu kambing tp takde pun bau hamis. Saya minum perisa vanila. Bau agak wangi dan rasa sedap. Minum sebagai milk booster. Meriah susu utk…
AkuHudHud27Recent review: The tuna fillings taste fresh and delicious. The onions together is a lot and I like it very much. The price is also affordable and worth to try it out.
Jiaen35Recent review: Mutiara Figs Sambal Bilis Fig is good taste sambal with anchovies and fig for added crunch. the sambal taste is so good like eating at the restaurant with rich taste of spices. Mutiara Figs Sambal Bilis Fig is ready to…
Erica ChinNo reviews yet
Description: Ingredients IkanTuna, Kentang, Cili, Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Kunyit, Garam, Gula, Santan Kelapa, Minyak Soya