Cap Dua gajah Blended Rice Flour
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Description: It’s used as baking goods or thickener for sauces or gravies. Excellent ingredient for making desserts or rice noodles.
Natures Way Coconut Oil
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Description: Organic Coconut Oil by Nature’s Way 16 oz Liquid Coconut oil is a natural energy source because it contains MCTs (medium chain) good fats the body uses to produce energy. As a dietary supplement Coconut oil is a good addition…
Ottogi Perilla Oil
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Description: Perilla Oil with savory taste and aroma Avoid sunlight, store in a cool place
Radiant Organic Toasted Sesame Oil
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Description: Whole sesame seeds are toasted and cold-pressed to produce a fragrant, rich and nutty flavor oil. No chemical solvents, additives and preservatives are used in the processing of the oil. Only small quantities are needed to liven up dishes. It…
Eu Yan Sang Health D’licious – Organic Mung Beans
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Description: Details: Suitable for cook in soup or eat as sprouts. Soak overnight before cooking
Eu Yan Sang Ginger Salted Chicken Seasoning Mix
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Description: Details: Natural ingredients. No added preservative, colouring or flavouring. Ingredients: Sea Salt, Sugar, Radix AngelicaeSinensis, FructusJujubae, Radix Astragali, RhizomaDioscoreae, Rhizomakaempferiae How to Use: Serves 4-6 persons 1 whole chicken of 1kg of chicken meat Apply Ginger Salted Chicken Seasoning Mix…
Eu Yan Sang Eyesight Nourishment Herbal Soup
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Description: Ingredients: Fructus Jujubae, Fructus Lycii, Nux Prinsepiae, Semen Astragali Complanati, Amusium Pleuronectes. How to Use: Serves 3 to 4 persons Empty one packet of soup ingredients, 500g of meat, 1500ml of water into pot and bring to boil. Slimmer for…
Eu Yan Sang Hair Tonifying Herbal Soup
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Description: Ingredients: Black Bean, Fructus Jujubae, Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Radix Polygonati Multiflori.
Eu Yan Sang Yi Qi Vitalizing Herbal Soup
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Description: Ingredients: Rhizoma Polygonatum odoratum, Radix Glehniae, Radix Codonopsis, Longan, Fructus Lycii. How to Use: Ingredients: One packet of soup ingredients, 300g of meat, 1500ml of water. Conventional Cooker: Empty soup ingredients into pot. Add meat and water, and bring to…
Country Farm Organics Goji Berry
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Description: Description: Goji Berry, or called wolfberry, is a bright orange-red berry that comes from a shrub that’s native to China. In Asia, goji berry has been eaten for generations in the hope of living longer. CFO Goji Berries is 100%…