In a bid to provide the right nourishment for a healthier future generation, Farm Fresh has introduced its latest product, Farm Fresh Grow for children aged 1 to 6 years old. This UHT formulated growing up milk is in ready-to-drink format and made from pure cow’s milk with only essential fortification added. This product will resonate with mothers who want a more natural product for their children as it contains NO maltodextrin, NO vegetable oil and NO calcium carbonate, which are hidden substitute ingredients that should not be in children’s milk.

“In normal dairy industry practices, milk fat is skimmed off dairy milk to make cream and butter as they are more valuable. What’s left is the skimmed milk that is used as the basis of children’s formula milk. In replacement of the initial dairy milk fat skimmed off, plant oils are used in combination of different plants to be added in the formula milk formulation due to similarity in fatty acid composition. To compensate for the lack of sweetness in the milk, other forms of processed sugar substitutes like maltodextrin, corn syrup solids and also sucrose are added to make it tastier and thicker. Additionally, the dilution of the natural dairy in formulated milk powder has weakened the natural calcium content in dairy, which is then added with calcium carbonate, processed from limestones,” explains Loi Tuan Ee, CEO and Co-founder of Farm Fresh.

Farm Fresh Grow has a creamy note and tastes just like fresh milk, which comes in 125mL and 200mL UHT packaging formats that can be stored at room temperature. Its ingredients include Cow’s Milk that contains natural calcium phosphate, high in protein, vitamin D3 to aid with calcium absorption, and fortified with Inulin Fibre, DHA (algae), Choline, Taurine, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc plus antioxidants and 22 vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, and Vitamin C.

Azmi Zainal, COO of Farm Fresh said, “Parents, grandparents and caretakers alike understand the importance of a child’s growing up years as a crucial stage for their overall development. According to a report by the Ministry of Health, it is found that one in five Malaysian children under the age of five are stunted[1]. What does this tell us? It means that malnutrition is a major issue among Malaysian children. Even if they are drinking milk, children are still not getting the right amount of nutrients. It is especially worse if parents are ill-informed about the ingredients present in the milk that they give to children which could be inhibiting their potential growth. This is where we would like to address the importance of label reading and to check, check and check the ingredients on the back of the packaging before purchasing, especially when it concerns children’s milk.”

“In general, excessive sugar is harmful, all the more so that children’s milk products should not contain these added hidden sugars and ingredients as replacements. Maltodextrin carries zero nutritional value which acts only as a binding agent and sugar replacement (carries the same calories like sucrose). To add context, table sugar has a high Glycaemic Index (GI) of 65; maltodextrin has an even higher GI index of between 80-120, almost double the count than sugar. This causes the sugar rush and hyperactivity that is often seen in children. Other ingredients like vegetable oils and calcium carbonate are also ingredients not present in our new product, making Farm Fresh Grow a healthy, natural and balanced milk nourishment for children, staying true to our brand ethos,” shared Loi Tuan Ee, about the new product.

Loi Tuan Ee, CEO and Co-founder of Farm Fresh, was joined by Azmi as well as renowned songstress and Farm Fresh’s new brand ambassador, Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza at the launch event.

Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza was naturally the brand ambassador of choice, as she embodies the brand ethos simply by just making the switch to the better option for her children. Farm Fresh’s partnership with her is a seal of approval of her trust for the brand, and the impact she believes it will have for a healthier growing up generation of Malaysian children.

Farm Fresh has also unveiled their new taglines: “IT’S ALLLLLLLLL™ GOOD” and “SEMOOOOOANYA™ BAIK” to drive the product promise not just for Farm Fresh Grow, but also signifying the goodness contained in all of Farm Fresh’s products.

Dr. Ng Yi-Ki, a paediatrician, was also part of a panel discussion at the launch event, touching on topics such as the problem of obesity in Malaysian children, which is the second highest in ASEAN based on WHO data, the adverse impact of excessive sugar on children’s health, as well as essential nutrients for children.

All of Farm Fresh’s labelled products are free from preservatives and colourings, with only great care taken to produce the finest in quality. Farm Fresh has a diverse product portfolio spanning multiple product segments such as chilled ready-to-drink (RTD) milk products, UHT/ambient RTD products, plant-based products and yoghurt products.

Adding to the list of existing products, the latest Farm Fresh Grow UHT Formulated Milk is now available at Jaya Grocer retail stores and 99 Speedmart, sold in packs of 4s x 200mL in Peninsula Malaysia. One can also purchase the milk through Farm Fresh’s Home Dealer Network or online via SUBPLACE, sold by cartons (24s x 200ml) on a monthly subscription or one-off basis at with offers from RM25 up to RM40 off.

For more details on Farm Fresh, visit

[1] National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019