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Recent review: This milk powder storage bag is very cute design and convenience for travelling with baby. It can save more space and never leaking. But the price is quite high because this is one time use. I will still using the…
sallyinlee93Recent review: Don't be swayed by the brand. It works the same as any other cheaper milk dispenser that's similar in design. The imitation ones are really spot-on in design and quality too except without any brand on it. Imitation one costed…
JonesAng79Recent review: wide neck is a perfect size that can direct connect with the breastpump. I'm using Spectra 9+ and this Pigeon storage bottle is just nice for it. No need to use the adaptor to transfer it. The quality is very…
sallyinlee93Recent review: a very important spare part for breast pump, anti backflow to avoid your breastmilk back flow into the tubing. It is very hard to cleaning the tubing, so we need this part to prevent it happen. I use this in…
sallyinlee93Recent review: 这个Classy Lite Reusable Ice Pack是我天天都要准备冷藏拿来做工时候来冰冻我的母乳的,他的耐冷时间可以长达10-12个小时的,而且他的设计也刚刚好把那个breast milk bottle 放好固定不会摇摆的虽然有点重不过很耐用的。
Aikoaiko25Recent review: 我是给宝宝喝母乳的所以每次我需要挤奶的所以我会用到很多的奶罐的,所以当我消毒后我都会把奶瓶奶罐的放在 Philips Avent SDrying Rack 给他们晾干的。
Aikoaiko25Recent review: This type of ice brick can last up to 8 hours to keep cool but then this is also quite bulky & heavy. Suitable for breastfeed mummy who working in office.
sallyinlee93Recent review: 这个 Milk Powder Dispenser很耐用的而且也很方便的可以分配好宝宝要的分量的需要的奶粉然后可以减轻我们出门的重量的,也封口很紧的不会漏风的
Aikoaiko25Recent review: Mother-k Baby Food Storage Bag telah memberi kemudahan bagi saya untuk simpan makanan untuk anak saya, seperti bubur semasa saya di luar rumah.Ia juga tidak membahayakan kesihatan badan anak saya. Kualitinya juga sangat bagus.Saya sangat suka.
YingingRecent review: Best characteristic is its reheatability! Besides that, divided slots allowed it contains more than one dishes. Ventilation design is good too!
Zelfro Khoo