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Recent review: This bottle really catch my daughter's attention. I bought the one with pink colour. She love it. Easy to clean, safe to use and the design is so cute. Other kids were also attract to her bottle. Eplas always be…
SarahRecent review: This sippy cup is very easy for baby to use. Both my son & daughter able to sip even just first time trial. The straw is soft and with a heavy ball at the bottom to support them for sipping.…
Stella KhooRecent review: 我的宝宝他出牙的时候牙齿很痒所以很喜欢在我亲喂的时候咬我的乳头的,所以我买这个Pigeon Nipple Shield来防止他咬我的,不过我是不喜欢放的因为很不舒服的感觉的
Aikoaiko25Recent review: : CN memang tak serasi dengan breastpump ni. Kenapa CN akap macam tu? Sebab tak sampai guna 2 minggu dah patah pemegang dia !! Maklum la, CN ni kalau pump memang bersungguh-sungguh dan sepenuh hati ! Ayat cover..hehe : Maybe…
Cekgu NorazimahRecent review: My wife has Medela Mini Electric Breastpump at home. She used it to pump milk at home and office. It is so convenient as the size is small and can easily to bring it to anywhere. The suction of the…
haohao21Recent review: New products in breast pump market. The design is lovely, the price is reasonable. Suitable for new mummies!!
sallyinlee93Recent review: I have never tried glass bottles before, the short bottle and wide opening make it easy to just use your regular sponge or dish rag to clean it. They wash up so clean and clear. No plastic bottle to get…
connienee30Recent review: As far as someone who disassembles the entire cup after every years these were a wonderful fine for me. It's decently easy to disassemble and put the entire thing back together after every wash. I have yet to have issues…
kelvinlee260121Recent review: I'm always wiping up spills. Liquid stays in the straw and mouth part. So when the cup is knocked over the pressure in the straw dislodges the liquid and it shoots out. My son has also learned that if he…
kelvinlee260121Recent review: I love all MAM products and my son has been using it since newborn till now and he is 3 years old currently. This ultivent silk teat is super soft and easily to adapt for a poor sucker baby. My…