Adrian Wooi Coding Academy
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Description: 编程是与人工智能沟通的语言,让孩子从小学习编程,跟上时代发展的步伐,有望成为信息时代的创造者。Adrian Wooi Coding Academy作为一家经验丰富编程导师把关,加上现代的少儿有趣教学模式,课程更专业实用,孩子更喜欢! Adrian Wooi Coding Academy是一间专为6岁至21岁儿童和青少年提供学习编程的编程教学中心,主要提供的编程课程为:学习电脑编程、机器人编程。其创始于2019年,目的是培养更多编程人才,创办人Adrian Wooi导师有着15年实编程的丰富经验,根据孩子年龄由浅入深的教导方式,线上+线下相结合的课程,帮助各个学龄的学生,探索不一样的编程世界。线下学习机器人编程的过程有趣不沉闷,让孩子一边编程、一边动手搭建模型车、机器人等。即使您的孩子是编程零基础,在专业老师面对面指导下也能快速理解编程语言,轻松学会用编程设计一些电脑游戏、动画、手机APP、网页和软件! 在学习少儿编程过程中,孩子可以培养计算机编程思维,进而提升解决问题能力、思考能力和逻辑思维。家长应给有兴趣、有天赋的孩子提供更好的少儿学习编程环境,如今Adrian Wooi Coding Academy提供多元化的授课形式,不仅是提供线上直播课,还有线下面对面教学,未来还会成立实体中心,一步一步手把手把您孩子训练成编程高手!
IGS English – Enrichment Centre (Reading and Writing)
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Description: As a global language, English plays a significant role in a child’s education and future. High proficiency in English is one of the keys to opening more doors of opportunity to give young learners a distinct advantage in their future…
ABC (Autism Behavioral Centre) – Special Needs Children’s Learning Centre
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Description: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related developmental delays including speech delays, behavior and social challenges affect children differently particularly due to severity and functionality of each child. Evidence-based early intervention, primarily Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), provided in ABC (Autism Behavioural…
Excellent Education – Tuition Centre (Desa Aman Puri, Kuala Lumpur)
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Description: 孩子跟不上学校进度?孩子作业不会写?家长没时间辅导孩子?学而优(Excellent Education)为没方法、没时间、没精力的家长们提供课后辅导的解决方案,希望让每一位学而优的学生都能成为一颗闪亮的星。学而优补习班采取优质名师小班授课,按照每一位学生的学习进度施教,随时帮助学生梳理重点,并发送齐全的学习资料,从而有效提高学生的学习效率及质量,全面提升学生成绩更上一层楼。 学而优成立于2012年,中心设立于甲洞逸福园(Desa Aman Puri),目前已在Bandar Sri Damansara设立第二间分行,提供了小学及中学的全科补习,在这些年里,帮助上千名中小学生解决学业上的烦恼,获得家长和学生好评如潮。为了能够方便家长们,学而优也成立了“小星球托育班”,协助家长接送孩子上下学及提供孩子家课上的帮助,让学生可以除了课业之外,在饮食及安全上也可以得到保证,全力达成“老师用心、孩子开心、家长放心”的目标。 作为家长值得信赖的补习中心,最重要的是学而优拥有一群热爱教育的优质师资,具有多年授课经验、学历丰富。在学习上,学而优的老师也会尽全力的协助学生可以跟得上学习进度,因此,学而优的老师们也会安排“考前加强班”及“考后研讨班”,以让学生考前一次次的复习及考后能够找出需要改善及提升的地方。为了让应届的Year 6、Form 3及Form 5 考生应付大考,学而优也会举办考试复习班“复习帮”课程,并整合各州预考考题及独家“万题库”,帮学生针对性地梳理考试重点,进行快速又高效的复习,以便学生能够有信心的应付每一场大考。 学而优——没有最好,只有更好;没有教不会的学生,只有不会教的老师。让我们一起打造更好的学习氛围,让每一位孩子都能够成为一颗闪亮的星。
MindChamps Preschool – Early Childhood Education Programme
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Description: A leading provider of premium preschool care in the region, MindChamps focuses on the skills and strategies of learning, with emphasis on teaching the ‘how to learn’ rather than the ‘what to learn’. Based on a cutting-edge, scientifically researched curriculum,…
Malaysia Toys Store
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Description: Malaysia Toys is the leading online toy store in Malaysia for locally made, assembled and curated educational toys. Find a wide selection of Montessori toys, Montessori materials and the best educational toys in store. Malaysia Toys collection caters for a…
Baby Sensory
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Description: Our Baby Sensory programme has been designed specifically for babies from birth. The Baby Development activities stimulate the senses and help your baby develop. We are confident that these baby activities will also delight and surprise both you and your…
Erika Peres Swimming
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Description: Getting your baby used to water early in his or her life makes sense from a safety point of view. Swimming is also great fun and beneficial too. An Australian study has found that swimming infants are typically six months…
Krista Preschool
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Description: Krista Education Sdn Bhd, in its commitment towards pre-school education and as the first and sole user of THE CAPABLE PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAMME in Malaysia, is confident and ready to expand globally and enter the international market. The company also plays…
D Swim Academy
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Description: D Swim Academy (DSA), the largest and only Gold level AUSTSWIM Swim Centre in Malaysia has been championing the motto of water safety in the whole of South East Asia and delivering swim programmes with quality and excellence to children…