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Recent review: I bought this oil at a Baby Fair for only RM31 and find it really good for my baby’s occasional dry skin. I use a few drops for her bath and also for her massage. A great emollient on her…
StaceyHeng32Recent review: Very easy to forms foam and the smell was really great too. It's very good for the kids as the foam doesn't cause irritation go their eyes. Kids like it
Vero9828Recent review: Teruja sgt nk cuba losyen pelembap Centifolia Bebe ni selepas sy mmbelinya di atas talian sebulan yg lepas.Yg paling menarik minat sy ialah produk ni diperbuat dr bahan organik,jd x risau nk cubanya pd bayi sy yg mmpunyai kulit yg…
AieenDeen28Recent review: Saya dan anak² sangat sukakan bau bunga- bungaan yang sangat wangi dan segar pada shampoo ini. Baunya tahan lama. Rambut anak² menjadi halus dan mudah disikat. Lembut dan juga tidak mudah bergumpal. Apa yang baiknya shampoo ini ialah ia ada…
RenNurfatihah50Recent review: Salah satu produk yang saya percaya kerana bahan-bahan untuk membuat losyen ini adalah dari bahan organik. Sesuai untuk bayi yang baru lahir yang perlu kita jaga kerana kulit bayi adalah kulit sensitif. Losyen ini selamat untuk bayi. Jadi ia menjadi…
Miza MijotRecent review: This is product is suitable for children that have sensitive skin. The smell is also nice and my kid loves it. The only down part is because of the price, we switch to other products. It didnt make the skin…
awa_zakiy45Recent review: Very good and suitable for all skin type. Even suitable for adult usage. I applied it for kids and also i used it on my skin. i love it so much as it leaves no strong scent but it is…
Vero9828Recent review: Bought a few of these repellents since the Zika alert. It's safe to use for kids. It does not irritate the skin and the smell is not too overpowering.
Carrie ZoeyRecent review: As Bzu Bzu products are quite new to the market, but lots of my friend recommended me to use, so i bought a set for my son to try. Bzu Bzu Cooling Lotion made with yuzu ceramide, algae and okura…
Lysa LimRecent review: Anak saya terkadang mempunyai masalah hidung tersumbat. Alhamdullilah dengan adanya nasal aspirator saya tak perlu risau lagi. Nasal aspirator yang mempunyai speed dan tidak menyakitkan baby. Suction yang hebat! Dl sya menggunakan cotton bud untuk membersihkan hidung anak saya...