Farm Fresh Full Cream Milk

Product Details


Full fat, full cream and full of love from the farm!
With Farm Fresh Full Cream, you can truly taste the difference!

2L and 1L
Nutritional Facts (per 100ml):
Energy – 54kcal
Carbohydrates – 4.3g
Total Fat – 3.8g
Protein – 3.4g
Calcium – 114mg
100% Fresh Cow’s Milk

  1. Daphne
    1 reviews

    Taste good!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 18, 2020

    it is really pure and i never drink milk like this before. It taste more fresh after put it in refrigerator. It is not over sweet and suitable for breakfast or before sleeping. I think it gonna to be a good choice if you buy it.

  2. Shiqa14
    3 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 4, 2018

    Sedap susu ni. Rasa dia pun tak lah manis sangat. Saya suka minum susu ni bersama dengan oat atau cereal untuk sarapan pagi.

  3. Noor Azhar
    75 reviews

    Farm Fresh Full Cream Milk

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 11, 2018

    Farm Fresh Full Cream Milk is a Malaysia brand and much better than many imported milk. Having a glass of milk in a morning, I love the taste of its freshness and creamy texture. No preservatives, coloring and any added sugar; plus Farm Fresh has guaranteed its freshness as it takes only 48 hours to reach local supermarkets. Now I’m become their loyal customer and always stock up our dairy supplies with their fresh milk.

  4. KJ Cheah
    224 reviews

    fresh milk

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 22, 2017

    医生建议给一岁宝宝喝fresh milk 来增长体高。由于宝宝是全母乳,一开始offer时非常的抗拒,一喝到味道不同就不要了。但我还是每天给一点来尝试,慢慢的宝宝就接受了。Farm Fresh Full Cream Milk 的奶油味很浓很好喝,我每天都会睡前喝一杯。

  5. Xiao Long
    210 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 21, 2017

    This would be my only choice for fresh milk. Good for day and night. Fresh and very creamy. Taste very original and not sweet.

  6. Shahrul64
    164 reviews

    Susu yang pekat dan lazat

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2017

    Saya suka minum susu farm fresh full cream. Rasa nya yang pekat dan tidak berbau hamis. Amat menepati citarasa saya sekeluarga ini. Boleh di beli di pasaraya berdekatan. Susu yang segar ini sesuai di minum sejuk. Tidak sesuai diletak kan di luar suhu bilik. Cepat basi jika di buka dan biarkan di luar peti sejuk.

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