Baby Mogma
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Description: Your precious little ones deserve the very best, even when it comes to what they wear! Unfortunately, it is not easy for Malaysian moms to get good quality clothing for their young children, especially amidst the pandemic. Baby Mogma understands…
MummyGrab Malaysia
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Description: The baby market is inundated with products, deals and services – each one laying claim to unmatched superiority – so much so even a simple purchase like a stroller could turn into tedious, week-long chores as you skim through pages…
Mini Me Baby Store
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Description: 新手爸妈们,是不是烦恼该怎么为你即将到来的心肝宝贝准备用品呢?市场上品牌那么多,各种款式各种功能,怎么选?Mini Me母婴专卖店是柔佛新山市最齐全的一站式母婴专卖店,为妈妈和宝宝提供衣、食、住、行的全方位一站式服务。 Mini Me母婴专卖店位于新山市的Desa Tebrau花园区,成立于2019年,不仅可以提供优质的母婴产品,同时为新手爸妈们提供最齐全的宝宝用品,从宝宝用的床、车、椅,小到宝宝的奶嘴、奶瓶、辅食、餐具以及各种宝宝和妈咪日常所需的用品应有尽有!店内提供超过40多款的婴儿手推车、儿童安全座椅和婴儿床的示范产品可以让爸妈或宝宝去试用,让您能够真实的去感受它。母婴用品最重要的是保证质量,特别是儿童安全座椅更要慎重选择,Mini Me不仅是Chicco的新山区代理No.1,也是新山第一家拥有2位受美国认证的儿童安全座椅技术专员,并且店员经过特别培训,能够分析各种品牌和款式的优点和缺点让您参考。 不得不提的是,Mini Me母婴专卖店号称全JB第一家能够“先试后买”的挤乳器母婴专卖店,提供专人服务一对一精准测量奶头,找到合适哺乳妈咪的挤乳器;现场有超过11个品牌 ,20多款挤乳器可以让你一次试个够!Mini Me 也是Medela指定的新山区维修中心,如果产品有遇到任何问题都能马上帮你检查或更换,并且还会提供挤奶的贴心提示! 所以,新手爸妈们还在等什么呢?
Mummycare – Baby Store (East Malaysia)
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Description: The Joy Of Shopping For Baby And You Established in 1996 by Ms Alicia Voon, Mummycare started off as a small, one-stop mom and baby retail shop at Wisma Saberkas, Kuching, Sarawak. The store, has now expanded with its flagship…
Babyland – Baby Store (West Malaysia)
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Description: Serving Families Since 1982 The founders of BABYLAND aspired to streamline and simplify the process of shopping for maternity and baby supplies so that you have more opportunities to spend time with your family, creating precious memories. A Malaysian family-owned…